Feb 28, 2016
God’s Greatest Passion
Series: Passion
Message: Passion IV: God’s Greatest Passion            Luke 15:1-32
  1. God is passionate about reaching sinners v.1-2
  1. Heaven rejoices when sinners encounter God’s grace and mercy v.7, 10, 22-24
  1. God desires we catch his passion for lost people v.28-32
  • Feb 28, 2016God’s Greatest Passion
    Feb 28, 2016
    God’s Greatest Passion
    Series: Passion
    Message: Passion IV: God’s Greatest Passion            Luke 15:1-32
    1. God is passionate about reaching sinners v.1-2
    1. Heaven rejoices when sinners encounter God’s grace and mercy v.7, 10, 22-24
    1. God desires we catch his passion for lost people v.28-32
  • Feb 21, 2016Passion Part 3: Contagious Koinonia
    Feb 21, 2016
    Passion Part 3: Contagious Koinonia
    Series: Passion
    Message: Passion III – Contagious Koinonia                 Acts 2:42-47 Introduction  
    1. We ALL must have a hunger for God’s Word
                Hebrews 4:12              2 Timothy 3:16-17
    1. We must be committed to our local body of believers
    1. We must dine together
    1. We must pray together
  • Feb 14, 2016Passion II: Creating a Passionate in Marriage
    Feb 14, 2016
    Passion II: Creating a Passionate in Marriage
    Series: Passion
    Message: Passion II ~ Creating a Passionate Marriage - Genesis 2:4-25  
    1. Acknowledge God in your marriage 
    1. Appreciate your spouse’s uniqueness 
    2. Avoid sin
  • Feb 7, 2016Passion I: Creating a Love for God at HOME
    Feb 7, 2016
    Passion I: Creating a Love for God at HOME
    Series: Passion
    Message: Passion I: Creating a Love for God at HOME       Deuteronomy 6:1-9  
    1. Be diligent in teaching who your God is
    1. Daily share your experience
    1. Consistently model your faith