Oct 16, 2022
The Healthy Church Pt. 2
Series: Acts
The Healthy Church: Part II
Acts 2:42-47
Healthy Churches are committed to….
1. Community (Fellowship)
2. The Study of God’s Word
3. Prayer
4. Spirit Empowered Ministry
5. Generosity
6. Praise & Worship
- Oct 16, 2022The Healthy Church Pt. 2
Oct 16, 2022The Healthy Church Pt. 2Series: ActsThe Healthy Church: Part II Acts 2:42-47 Healthy Churches are committed to…. 1. Community (Fellowship) 2. The Study of God’s Word 3. Prayer 4. Spirit Empowered Ministry 5. Generosity 6. Praise & Worship
- Oct 9, 2022The Healthy Church Pt. 1
Oct 9, 2022The Healthy Church Pt. 1Series: ActsThe Healthy ChurchActs 2:42-47Healthy Churches are committed to…. 1. Community 2. The Study of God's Word 3. Prayer 4. Spirit Empowered Ministry 5. Generosity 6. Praise & Worship
- Oct 2, 2022Mission Possible
Oct 2, 2022Mission PossibleSeries: ActsMission PossibleActs 1:1-11
1. Seek the gift the Father has promised v.4
2. Be a witness with the Spirit’s power v.8a
3. Go where the Spirit leads v. 8b, 11