May 11, 2014
The Way Blessed by God
Series: Topical
The Way God Blesses Psalm 1:1-6
So let’s take a closer look at the way that God blesses.
I. The Way of the Righteous v.1
II. The Delight of the Righteous v.2
III. The Reward of the Righteous v.3
The righteous are promised three things...
o Provision
o Productivity
o Prosperity
IV. The Demise of the Wicked v.4-5
V. The Final Conclusion v.6
- May 11, 2014The Way Blessed by God
May 11, 2014The Way Blessed by GodSeries: TopicalThe Way God Blesses
Psalm 1:1-6 So let’s take a closer look at the way that God blesses. I. The Way of the Righteous v.1 II. The Delight of the Righteous v.2 III. The Reward of the Righteous v.3 The righteous are promised three things... o Provision o Productivity o Prosperity IV. The Demise of the Wicked v.4-5 V. The Final Conclusion v.6 - Apr 20, 2014Chosen
Apr 20, 2014ChosenSeries: TopicalMessage: Chosen Ephesians 1:1-23 Because of the resurrection we can enjoy... 1. Adoption v.4-6 2. Redemption v. 7-10 3. The Hope of Salvation v.11-14 4. Power for everyday living v.15-23
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- Mar 30, 2014Rejoice
- Feb 16, 2014Love for the DAY is near
Feb 16, 2014Love for the DAY is nearSeries: TopicalLove for the DAY is near Romans 13:8-14 1. Love your neighbor as yourself v.8-10 2. Wake up and be alert v.11 3. Put off the deeds of Darkness and put on Christ v.12-14
- Jan 5, 2014The ONE Who Sees YOU
Jan 5, 2014The ONE Who Sees YOUSeries: TopicalThe ONE who sees you
Genesis 16:1-1 1. Where have you come from and where are you headed? 2. Have seen the ONE who sees you? 3. What wells have you found or dug that are sustaining you? - Dec 29, 2013Spiritual Insights from Winter
Dec 29, 2013Spiritual Insights from WinterSeries: TopicalSpiritual Insights from Winter Psalms 13:1-6 To make the most of winter we need to… 1. Embrace the tasks of winter
- Prayer
- Pruning
- Waiting
- A new you
- A new focus
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- Dec 1, 2013The Attitude of Christmas
Dec 1, 2013The Attitude of ChristmasSeries: Topical
Message: The Attitude of Christmas
Philippians 2:1-11
1. Stay connected to Christ v.1
How do we stay connected?
- Don’t skip your devotional time
- Increase your alone time with God as needed
- Establish your priorities
2. Extend the attributes of Christ with others v.2
3. Imitate the attitude of Christ v.3-11
- Do nothing out of selfish ambition
- Look out for the interest of others
- Do what is right, even if it hurts
- Nov 25, 2013I Will Bless the Lord at All Times
Nov 25, 2013I Will Bless the Lord at All TimesSeries: TopicalMessage: I Will Bless the Lord at All Times Psalm 34:1-22 1. Bless the Lord at all times v. 1-3 2. Seek the Lord in times of trouble v.4-7 3. Savor the blessings of God v. 8-10 4. Fear God and you will have nothing to fear v.11-14 5. The Lord is attentive to the needs of the righteous v.15-18 6. The Lord is our salvation v.19-22